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Romanian Version

I made this site for those who are at the beginning of this wonderful journey, but not only. There are written many manuals, articles, information, guide books.I think that everything that it had to be said was already said.

For the beginners, this site gives information, but an attunement still has to be made by a Reiki Instructor, attunement that will remind you the connection with the Reiki energy in order to use this gift.

Here you will find a simple synthesis, because Reiki is a very simple system. Reiki can be practiced by anyone. It's up to you if you want to consider Reiki system an enlightenment system, enlightenment and a healing system in the same time or just a healing system. Usui gave us five principles, four symbols for guidance, he taught us a way to share this wonderful gift with the others and a simple but powerful meditation (Hatsurei-ho). Reiki is not a religion; it's a way of living. The energy flows stronger if your ego is not there. It's not about concentration, psychic power and quick enlightenment, but about love, compassion, kindness, gratitude, peaceful mind, acceptance, sharing. Just let the energy to flow through you, stretch your hands and share this gift with the others. You don't need anything else. 


Please note that there are always Reiki teachers who will gladly attune you for free. Your repayment will be your constantly work with the energy and sharing this wonderful gift with the others. 



I hope from all my heart that it will be useful.


Monica B

I am waiting for you at the "Free Reiki International" forum

At least for today, do not anger, do not worry. Be Grateful and Humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all beings.