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Romanian Version

There are several sets of the hands positions. Mikao Usui used 5 positions of the hands (all of them on the head) and then Reiji (intuitive experience) and Byosen (scanning). Dr. Hayashi used, at first, 7 positions. In his clinic, there were used 12 positions of the hands.


Every set of hands positions you might use, they are very useful in the treatment. The hands positions had been made to help the people who couldn’t use yet Reiji and Byosen. By practicing, these techniques will develop and you willbe able to use them.


Learn the hands positions and use them. In time, you will feel when to move your hands and where they are needed the most.


Each position it has to be held for 3-5 minutes or until you will feel that the energy stopped flowing. Trust your intuition. If you will feel that you should move your hands in an area that is not a "standard" position, just move them.


After you received the attunement for the Reiki level I, practice as much as you can. Treat yourself and the others. Learn the hands positions and, by practicing, you will have your own experiences. In time, you will be more confident and you’ll not ask yourself anymore if Reiki works or not. You will find out how simple it is. Just lay down your hands and intend to send Reiki.


You can treat yourself anytime. At home, watching tv, listening to music or just feeling the energy. In the bus/car, in the meetings, every time you have a free hand. Use any hand position suites you, even it’s not a standard one and let Reiki to flow.

I am waiting for you at the "Free Reiki International" forum

At least for today, do not anger, do not worry. Be Grateful and Humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all beings.